Pygmy v Dwarf; Reincarnation; Phrenology; Morning Headaches; Colonics; Money Market Accounts; Differences; Whore; Hand-jobs; Gays and Marriage; Cloaking v Stealth; Sex in America; Calculating Square Footage of House; Shave Tail; Nocturnal Emission; Obsessed; Sex in your Diet; Mud Storms; Going Rouge; Swallowing Seamen; Dating Older Women; Using Your Car for Advertisements; Children and Sex; The Cold War; Getting a Boob Job; Loudest Reptile; The Olympics; Lost Panties; Butt Monkey.
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Q) What's the difference between a Pygmy and a Dwarf?
August 01, 2008: Denise Stapleton.
A) A Pygmy is a short person. A Dwarf is a mystical small creature.
A pygmy refers to a member of any human group whose adult males grow to less than 59 inches (150 cm) in average height.
But dwarf's are often referred to as little people and as humans they are smaller than a pygmy. The dwarf is about 58 inches.
The best known pygmies are the Aka, Efe and Mbuti of central Africa. These for example are depicted in the early Tarzan movies played by Johnny Weissmuller.
Q) Where does this whole concept of reincarnation come from?
August 02, 2008: Hawk Jurts.
A) Reincarnation is part of the Buddhist Religion and beliefs. It is said that you descend from one level up or down depending on how well you did in the previous life. When I was in Asia I often would discuss this concept since Buddhist also believe all life is sacred. Thinking abstract if you are a land snail, mosquito, or cockroach what do you come back as?
Q) What is Phrenology?
August 03, 2008: Ruby Tarts.
A) For all purposes it is the Feng Shui of the mind.
Phrenology is a defunct field of study, once considered a science, by which the personality traits of a person were determined by "reading" bumps and fissures in the skull. Developed by German physician Franz Joseph Gall around 1800, the discipline was very popular in the 19th century. In 1843, François Magendie referred to phrenology as "a pseudo-science of the present day.” Phrenological thinking was, however, influential in 19th-century psychiatry and modern neuroscience. Phrenology is based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions (see in particular, Brodmann's areas) or modules (see modularity of mind). Phrenologists believed that the mind has a set of different mental faculties, with each particular faculty represented in a different area of the brain. These areas were said to be proportional to a person's propensities, and the importance of the given mental faculty. It was believed that the cranial bone conformed in order to accommodate the different sizes of these particular areas of the brain in different individuals, so that a person's capacity for a given personality trait could be determined simply by measuring the area of the skull that overlies the corresponding area of the brain.
Phrenology is currently dismissed as quackery by the scientific community.
Phrenology, which focuses on personality and character, should be distinguished from craniometry, which is the study of skull size, weight and shape, and physiognomy, the study of facial features. However, these disciplines have claimed the ability to predict personality traits or intelligence (in fields such as anthropology/ethnology), and were sometimes posed to scientifically justify racism.
Q) What causes morning headaches?
August 04, 2008: Jonathan Suzz.
A) There are three main causes of so-called morning headaches, which last the average person around 30 to 60 minutes.
They are ....
1/ - You sleep wrong. Twisted your neck or back.
2/ - Drinking before bedtime.
3/ - Exercising before bedtime.
People who smoke tend to have these more frequently. The best think to do is take a hot shower and let the water run onto your head.
Q) Should I do a routine colonic?
August 05, 2008: Jerry Yutz.
A) No. Unless instructed by a doctor to do so or you have serious constipation.
A colonic is a fancy term for an enema.
People who encourage these often claim they will cleanse the body of toxins and excess waste, prolongs health, make you feel younger, and so on.
This is all bunk, a scam.
There is no scientific proof that this works.
For one thing these people who claim it cleanses the body of toxins cannot even identify the toxin(s) they are referring to.
In addition, the body's colon performs this function naturally.
The American Medical Association (AMA) says this is in fact a scam and unhealthy to do this.
Q) What do you think of Money Market Accounts, I seem to be getting quite a few offers that sound good?
August 06, 2008: Sharon Butts.
A) You need to be careful with money market funds. They often appear good but have a fee. So if you are getting 5% APR return and they have a 3% management fee, you get a net of 2%. Another draw back is the amount you are required to put in, generally they start at $1,500.00 and go up to $50,000.00 minimum. They also have interest reductions if you go below a certain amount. Some offer tantalizing starter rates but they may only be for the first 30 to 90 days and then drop to a much lower fixed rate.
Q) What's the difference between a Whore, a Slut, a Trollop, and a Tramp?
August 07, 2008: Juan Valdez.
A) Her are your definitions:
~ A 'Whore is a woman (girl) that sleeps with just about anyone and does not charge for sex.
~ A 'Slut' in a more modern slang term. Generally refers to high school or college girls that sleep around, chase boys, even do multiple men at onetime. It is also used as an insult!
~ A 'Trollop' an old term that dates back to 1621. A vulgar or disreputable woman; especially one who engages in sex promiscuously or for money.
~ A 'Tramp' is a homeless person, a wonderer, a vagrant. Women who wonder endlessly having sex everywhere with anyone.
Q) Any suggestions or advice on how to train my whore?
August 08, 2008: Eric the Red.
A) Yes -
Q) How do I give a man a good hand-job?
August 09, 2008: Lynn S.
A) This one takes some explaining....
We will assume that the man is dressed, so whether standing or sitting a man likes to have his partner undo his pants, whip it out and do him.
So we will make the assumption his penis is out and you are facing either the front or side of him -
- Some partners like to use baby oil, this might not be a bad idea if it is your first time or you have had problems with performing this act in the past. Simply apply lightly some baby oil to your palm and rub it the full length of the penis, lubricating it well but not messy or dripping.
- Now using the full hand, gentle grasp the trunk or rod of the penis and stroke it slowly but steadily. The thumb should be facing up toward the penis head. The biggest complaint men have is a woman starts then stops, don't stop once you start. If he starts to ejaculate (cum) stroke it faster and squeeze just a little harder, not much.
- You should go up and down the whole length of the penis. To help stimulate him, use the other hand to hold his testicle (balls). Some partners put their middle finger up the male rectum to excite the prostrate gland bringing on a fast and furious climax. To use this method, lubricate your middle finger with baby oil and gently insert your middle finer (note – make sure yo don't have any sharp fingernails.) This method is liked by some, but the continuous uninterrupted stroking changing the speed and grip will surface and make him want more.
- Some men may want this more than once per day if you are not having any other type of sex.
- Now if the man comes up behind you with it out, he should put it in your hand. This is a good way for the man to kiss your neck and fondle your boobs while you are stroking him from behind. In this hand position, your thumb should be facing his body. The mystic is not to turn around. But he must warn you before he ejaculates or you'll have his mess on your clothes (if you are dressed). This method is good for foreplay, which leads to having vaginal or anal sex.
Good Luck
Q) Do you believe that Gays should be allowed to marry?
August 10, 2008: A Gay Man.
A) Yes.
There are two basic arguments that anti-gay marriage people make, which are:
1/ - It is against the will of God.
2/ - If this is allowed then why not allow a brother or sister to marry, or a person marry a dog, or a man to have multiple wives?
Look what a person does or doesn't do really is no one else's business. When you object to something, just ask yourself this question =
“What effect, if any, does this have on me?”
The answer generally is none. So why get upset over shit that has no direct effect on you? Further people are going to do what they want most of the time. This country has enough problems, why waste money and effort on things that have no effect on other peoples daily lives or on the outcome of the security and sovereignty of a nation?
There were no question for today.
Come on, submit your questions to The Professor.
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Q) What's the difference between cloaking an object and using stealth technology?
August 12, 2008: Huh Teasey.
A) In 'Stealth Technology' it does not make an object such as an aircraft invisible but reduces the cross section to radar. The problem is that high tech air mass disturbance equipment can detect air movement, thus giving a stealth aircraft less stealth capability. High tech ultra sound equipment can also hear a stealth aircraft.
in the use of 'Cloaking' an object either absorbs or reflects light thus making it invisible to the naked eye. Cloaking uses materials, known as metamaterials, to deflect radar, light or other waves around an object, like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream. Currently scientist are using metamaterials which are mixtures of metal and circuit board materials such as ceramic, Teflon or fiber composite. They are designed to bend visible light in a way that ordinary materials don't. Scientists are trying to use them to bend light around objects so they don't create reflections or shadows. People can see objects because they scatter the light that strikes them, reflecting some of it back to the eye. This technology has far reaching ramifications beyond military use.
Q) Do you think sex is out of control in America and why?
August 13, 2008: Shell Lac Shalong.
A) Yes. Girls are way too damn promiscuous. Sex of some sort now starts as young as 10-years-old in the USA. This is primarily do to three factors:
1/ - Too much sexual exposure in public. Such as the way girls dress.
2/ - TV commercials and, magazine and billboard ads; music videos; movies; and lack of control in society at the adult level.
3/ - Poor parenting along with poor education from our schools.
Sorry, there were no questions for today.
Come on, submit your questions to The Professor.
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Q) Recently on CL (craigslist) there was a discussion on calculating the square footage for homes. Just what is the proper method a home buyer should use?
August 15, 2008: A New Home Buyer.
A) Square Footage is based solely on the 'Living Area.' This includes all rooms inside the home plus bathrooms, hallways, closets, and separate laundry room.
The garage, patio, porches, decks, basements (unless fully finished), crawl spaces, attics (unless fully finished), and detached rooms or storage units do NOT count in the square footage. Calculate the cost per square footage by dividing the 'Correct Total Square Footage' into the asking price of the home ~ example: Sale Price is $200,000.00 and the square footage is 2,000 SF the cost per square foot is $100.00 per square foot.
Q) What is a 'Shave Tail?'
August 16, 2008: Dennis Weaver.
A) Has several meanings, but hear are the three most likely:
1/ - A 'Shave Tail' is an old U.S. Cavalry term meaning new or raw such as a Shave Tail Lieutenant (an officer with no field or combat experience). The this term originates from when the cavalry got a mule or horse that wasn't fully broken in, they would shave its tail so everyone new it was green, and dangerous. This term is still used today for new 2nd Lieutenants assigned their first combat duty.
2/ - 'Order of the Spur' – The cavalry equivalent of soldier. In the modern U.S. Army a person must pass a series of tests, both mental and physical to earn their spurs.
The tradition of having to "earn your spurs" reaches back to the beginning of the cavalry. When green Troopers first arrived at their new cavalry assignments they were assigned a horse with a shaved tail. This led to the nickname "Shave Tail" for newly assigned, spur-less Soldiers. These new Troopers were in need of extensive training, especially in the area of swordsmanship from atop a horse. The horse with a shaved tail was given extra space in which to operate since its rider was marked as an amateur. During this phase of training the Troopers were not allowed to wear spurs because this would only serve to compound their problems. Only when they were able to prove their ability to perform with their horse and saber were they awarded spurs and a Stetson black calvary hat. This is true today but the saber is ceremonial only, but the Stetson was worn by some Air Calvary during Vietnam. The modern test given a U.S. Army soldier is similar to the 'Crucible' that all U.S. Marines go through to become a Marine.
3/ - Shave Tail Cocktail, the Ingredients are:
1 ounce cream
1 ounce pineapple juice
1 ounce of peppermint liqueur
served in an 'Old Fashioned Glass'
Category – a type of shooter
Q) What is a Nocturnal Emission?
August 17, 2008: Lee Li Lu.
A) A nocturnal emission is an ejaculation of semen experienced by a male during sleep. It is also called a "wet dream", a spontaneous orgasm, or simply an orgasm during sleep. Nocturnal emissions are most common during teenage and early adult years. However, nocturnal emissions may happen any time after puberty. They may be accompanied by erotic dreams, and the emission may happen without erection. Dreams, if recalled at all, may not be erotic, or they may be confusing to the dreamer, especially if he is an adolescent, immediately after his first wet dream. The sensations, if any, which accompany a wet dream may range anywhere from simply a tingling sensation to a sense of urinating or having to urinate, instead of the typical orgasm (which is why many teens might awaken in embarrassment believing they have just wet the bed). It is possible to wake up during, or to simply sleep through, the ejaculation in what is sometimes called a "sex dream." Women can also experience orgasms in their sleep.
Q) I have a follow-up question of hand-jobs. My college girlfriend is a virgin and committed to that until marriage. Several months ago I got her high and talked her into giving me a hand-job. Now she is obsessed with it. She loves playing with my cock, sometimes 3 times a day. Even after I cum she is still stroking it. What do you think I should do?
August 18, 2008: Johnny Whacker.
A) Take a lot of vitamins and stop complaining.
You are one lucky dude.
Oh, step up like a real man and take-it. You got her started now she likes it. Just remember there is a whole college full of men there that will gladly step in and take your place.
Q) What does it mean when someone says, 'you don't have enough sex in your diet?'
August 19, 2008: Rosalitta Gonzales.
A) When a man says this to a woman, it refers to one of two things:
1/ - The girl needs to have sex to learn to relax more.
2/ - The woman needs to swallow more seamen.
Q) Someone told me that they experienced a mud storm, where they referring to s mud slide?
August 20, 2008: Leroy Merriweather.
A) Not necessarily. A mud storm can also refer to rain mixed with dust, creating a mud storm, i.e. it's raining mud. I actually experienced this myself sometime ago in Arkansas. The air was filled with dense dust and it rain. When people woke up their cars were covered in mud.
Q) What does the term, 'going rouge' mean?
August 21, 2008: Benny Yoons.
A) Believed to be coined by the CIA, it refers to an agent going astray or off on their own. As in independent or working for themselves.
Q) What is the best way to swallow seamen?
August 22, 2008: Lucy Lucks.
A) If your not too fond of the taste or texture but want to swallow then it's best just to go for a quick gulp before thinking about what's in your mouth.
If your more into it, then it's good to move it around inside your mouth a little, letting the guy know you like the fact he's just shot his load in your mouth and your swallowing it.
Note: Most women are somewhere in between these two.
Q) Just looking for some advice. I am 23 and the girl I am seeing 35. We get along just find with no commitments and no obligations. I don't feel pressured with this woman like I do with girls my own age. Am I wrong in seeing an older woman?
August 23, 2008: Gary R.
A) I think what you're saying is she has a few miles on her but still has the new car smell. I say go for it.
Q) What do you think about using your car for advertisements?
August 24, 2008: Ginger Snamps.
A) It's a stupid idea.
Keep in mind that you will ruin your paint. A new factory repaint job is expensive. You would need this before you could sell it.
Saying that, here is some advice, if you are going forward:
- Never use an online service or third party, such as the ones that often appear on craigslist. They are a scam (con game).
- Never pay someone for this service.
- If you are going to have your car used a a rolling billboard advertisement, then either get paid directly from the company or through a major reputable ad firm. But again never pay them, they pay you.
- Advertisements are expensive for companies so don't let them off cheap. The minimum you should get is $350.00 per month, and better yet would be the cost of your car payment.
- Finally, do it with an older car, at least 5 years old. Cars being financed may have restrictions by the lender, so check the terms of the agreement. Also this will probably void your paint and undercoat warranty.
Q) Just how young do children start sex now?
August 25, 2008: Melinda Jenkins.
A) It is estimated in the USA and most of Europe as young as 10-years-old. Many young girls due to the provocative advertisements and influence of: YouTube, Hollywood / the Entertainment / Music Industry, and places like MySpace and FaceBook have an enormous impact on young girls. This leads many of them to older boys who take advantage of them. With many children within their own age groupo this occurs with classmates. Most at this age are into experimenting with kissing, holding hands, and fondling. Although some perform sexual acts.
Drinking and drugs also have a large impact on children doing sex at a young age. Many are just bored or neglected by their overworked parents who have them but basically ignore them.
Q) Do you think the Cold War is coming back?
August 26, 2008: Hans Gruber.
A) Yes. George Bush and team have managed to undue everything Ronald Reagan accomplishment, which was destroying the Soviet War Machine and creating a peaceful coexistence. But don't think the Democrats are any better, the confrontation started with Bill Clinton over Bosnia and has escalated ever since.
Q) I am 18 and have small breasts but otherwise a good body. Do you think a boob job is appropriate?
August 27, 2008: Laura James.
A) This is a personal decision. But if you are being influenced by a man, then no, unless it is your husband, then yes. You need to be happy with with yourself first, worry about others later. Saying that, make sure if you proceed you get a skilled cosmetic surgeon. Check his medical background and make sure he has no complaints or law suits filed against him. Also do not get boobs too far out of proportion with your current body design.
Q) Please settle an argument for us. I say the loudest reptile is a frog and my friend says it's a lizard, which is correct?
August 28, 2008: Henry Justice.
A) Neither. The loudest reptile on earth is the crocodile.
Q) What did you think of the Olympics?
August 29, 2008: Jerold Tumey.
A) China did an excellent job hosting the Olympics.
The overall outcome for the USA was pretty good. We excelled in swimming and America has everything to be proud of in many areas.
I do believe that not taking the middleweight and heavyweight gold medals in boxing; along with the gold, silver, and bronze medals in all the shooting competition; plus losing the baseball/softball (America's National Sport) is a disgrace.
There are plenty of expert marksman in the military or x-military (snipers) that could have easily won the shooting competition, but our President has them pre-occupied with a war no one wants.
As for boxing gyms are commonplace in Philadelphia, New York City, La, and Chicago. We should have been able to round up some excellent boxers and made a much better showing.
Professional Baseball could have suspended it's season for the two-weeks of the Olympics to send a team to represent America, but we wouldn't want those dirty grubbing corporate owners to lose any money.
Saying all that, remember China has the population of the USA, Europe, and Russia combined. So they have a lot more people to choose from. I am proud to be an American and proud of those athletes that competed and brought home any medal to the USA.
They will be talking about Michael Phelps for decades to come.
Q) I lost my panties and I don't know what to do?
August 30, 2008: No Longer a Virgin.
A) First of all, I don't have them!
I am not sure I see a question here. But I'd say move on and buy a new pair.
Now if you are referring to having sex and can't remember that's a bad thing and I suggest you watch your period cycle closely, and go get checked for STDs.
Q) What is a butt monkey?
August 31, 2008: compulsive craigslist poster.
A) There are 3 possible definitions:
1/ - Someone who likes anal sex.
2/ - Someone infatuated by butts, as in – 'I like girls with great butts.'
3/- Another term for being an 'Asshole.'
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