Kudos; Hair Turn Gray; Natural Deodorants; Obama Mortgage Plan Bailout; Type 1 versus Type 2 Diabetes; Your Body Limbs; Peptic Ulcer; Eroticon; Cleveland Steamer; Mens Preferred Color for Bikinis; Sticky Pants; Overchicked; Sibling Dating Friends Sibling; Hideaway versus Throwaway; Air Drying Oneself; Zombie Company; Derivatives; Best American Idol Winner; Expiration Dating; Mummy Sex; Nonversation; Rusty Trombone; Passenger Brake; Anal Sex Statistics; Penis Size by Race; Quirper; Uber; Stump Toy.
Please submit your questions by email to:
Q) What does kudos really mean?
March 01, 2009: Bu Bones.
A) Urban Slang meaning:
To earn respect and recognition. Made famous by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.
Q) Why does hair turn gray?
March 02, 2009: Snow White.
A) Latest research shows that hair turns gray as a result of a chemical chain reaction that causes hair to bleach itself from the inside out.
The process starts when there is a dip in levels of an enzyme called catalase. That catalase shortfall means that the hydrogen peroxide that naturally occurs in hair can't be broken down. So hydrogen peroxide builds up in the hair, and because other enzymes that would repair hydrogen peroxide's damage are also in short supply, the hair goes gray.
Putting the brakes on that chemical chain reaction could have great implications in the hair graying scenario in humans.
Q) I don't like to use store bought deodorants. Is there anything natural I can use?
March 03, 2009: Jake Wade.
A) Yes. Simply apply lightly some Baking Soda.
Q) What do you think of fertility clinics who plan to offer 'designer' baby services?
March 04, 2009: Cindy Mallone.
A) In concept there's nothing wrong with it. The pitfalls are that wealthy people will be able to have it and poor people wont! This would broaden the gap between the rich and powerful and the middle class and poor.
Q) The new Obama Mortgage Bailout Plan, fair or unfair?
March 05, 2009: Kari Buttes.
A) Very unfair.
Why do anything for anyone who shouldn't have even qualified for a mortgage? For example: A hispanic woman who is a bus driver in California has an $800,000 mortgage and needs help, Hello, and I don't live in an $800,000 home. Screw these assholes. Add to the fact Obama's Liberal government bureaucrats will decide who gets saved and who doesn't, WTF is that? Now they have added investment and rental properties as part of this bailout. The people who live within their means and pay their bills on time including their mortgage are being punished for all the asshole realtors, mortgage brokers, appraisers, underwriters, and lenders who made bad loans to people who should never have gotten a loan in the first place.
This is just big government waste and a dead end road for America that will takes us to a bankrupt nation!
Q) In simple terms what's the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?
March 07, 2009: Gary Culmander.
A) The term "type 1 diabetes" has universally replaced several former terms, including childhood-onset diabetes, juvenile diabetes, and insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM). Likewise, the term "type 2 diabetes" has replaced several former terms, including adult-onset diabetes, obesity-related diabetes, and non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM). Beyond these two types, there is no agreed-upon standard nomenclature. Various sources have defined "type 3 diabetes" as, among others, gestational diabetes, insulin-resistant type 1.
Q) Why do your body limbs fall asleep?
March 08, 2009: Dan Surnail.
A) The nerves running through our bodies that act as lines of communication between the brain and the other body parts, transmitting commands from the brain and relaying sensory information back to it for processing. What’s happening with a sleeping limb is that your nerves are going a little haywire because prolonged pressure has actually cut off communication between that limb and the brain. The tingling sensation is technically called paresthesia. Pressure puts the squeeze on nerve pathways and blood vessels, so the nerves can’t transmit signals properly, and the blood vessels can’t bring oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. The cut-off interferes with the normal flow of information between the limb and the brain and the signals going back and forth get jumbled. Some nerve cells stop sending info entirely, while others send impulses erratically.
The problem is compounded by the fact that our nerves are pretty specialized and different kinds of nerves and sensory receptors receive different stimuli and transmit different information. When the various signals get scrambled and aren’t transmitted normally, the brain starts to misinterpret the info it’s getting and generates an array of sensations, like warmth, numbness and that tingling feeling.
When a limb falls asleep, we usually try to “wake it up” and change positions. Blood flows back to the limb, giving a little boost to the misfiring nerves and making the tingling seem worse, but eventually the nerve signals begin to flow properly again. The pins and needles sensation is annoying for a few minutes, but it’s a nice little prompt for us to relieve the pressure on a limb before serious nerve damage occurs.
Q) What is a peptic ulcer?
March 09, 2009: Jimmy Treats.
A) A peptic ulcer, also known as ulcus pepticum, PUD or peptic ulcer disease, is an ulcer (defined as mucosal erosions equal to or greater than 0.5 cm) of an area of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic and thus extremely painful. As much as 80% of ulcers are associated with Helicobacter pylori, a spiral-shaped bacterium that lives in the acidic environment of the stomach, however only 20% of those cases go to a doctor. Ulcers can also be caused or worsened by drugs such as aspirin and other NSAIDs. Contrary to general belief, more peptic ulcers arise in the duodenum (first part of the small intestine, just after the stomach) than in the stomach. About 4% of stomach ulcers are caused by a malignant tumor, so multiple biopsies are needed to make sure. Duodenal ulcers are generally benign.
What is an Eroticon?
March 10, 2009: I forgot who I am.
A) A sexually explicit animated icon used in chat conversations.
Q) What is a Cleveland Steamer?
March 11, 2009: Wanda Monroe.
A) The current definition is to get a person drunk or high, when they pass out you crap on their chest. It's a lover's dirty get even break-up method.
Q) With summer approaching, I need to get a new bikini. What is the preferred color men like?
March 12, 2009: Cindy McCaw
A) Men prefer the following:
On darker women or well tanned, white.
On Blondes they prefer yellow.
General accepted color is pink or red.
Most men say they don't like blue, purple, green, or black.
Q) What are sticky pants?
March 13, 2009: Sarah Ginnel.
A) That's when a man's goo (cum) drips out of your vagina onto your panties and makes them wet and sticky.
Q) What does the phrase 'Overchicked' mean?
March 15, 2009: Jeffery Gootes.
A) When a below average looking guy lands a hot chick (lady) way out of his league.
Q) My older brother keeps bugging me about fixing him up with one of my girlfriends. What is your advice on this issue?
March 16, 2009: Ginny.
A) Do it only if you plan on NOT having her as a friend in the future.
Q) In police work, what's the difference between a hide away and a throw away?
March 17, 2009: Paul.
A) A 'Hide Away' refers to an extra gun the police carry in addition to their official issued weapon. These are registered like any other firearm. They are generally smaller in size and many officers strap them to their ankle. They are purchased by the officer's own money.
A 'Throw Away' also known as a throw down or plant is a gun a police officer has obtained from a criminal but never turned in. This has been blown out of portion by Hollywood movies reflecting that if a police officer is involved in a unlawful shooting he/she will use the throw away piece to show that the suspect was armed thus justifying the shoot. In today's high tech forensic science this is difficult to get away with.
Q) Do you approve of air-drying oneself?
March 18, 2009: Gina Steele.
A) It's not for me to approve or disapprove, but whatever tweaks your birdie is ok.
Note: Sir-drying is the act of allowing your body to naturally dry in the air without using a towel after a bath or shower.
Q) What is a Zombie Company?
March 19, 2009: Lord Myron.
A)There are three definitions:
1. A technically bankrupt company that is kept alive with large infusions of government money for the sake of "stability" in the U.S. financial system.
2. A large financial company with negative net worth that continues to operate, despite having no clear path to solvency.
3. The UnDead of Wall Street.
Best current example: AIG
Q) What are derivatives and how do they work?
March 20, 2009: Gene Alexander.
A) A financial security such as an option or future whose value is derived in part from the value and characteristics of another security, the underlying asset.
When you invest in a derivative, the underlying asset is usually a commodity, bond, stock, or currency. You "bet" that the value derived from the underlying asset will increase or decrease by a certain amount within a certain fixed period of time.
If you're still confused it;s Ok so is 90% of the world.
The simply fact is you invest in something that itself has no value, you cannot touch or see it. A pyramid scheme is safer.
Frankly it's a Wall Street con game that was legalized by Congress, which are mostly a bunch of lawyers, who don't know shit!
Q) Settle an argument. Who is the best performer from American Idol, Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood?
March 21, 2009: Kathy Rae Summers.
A) For total sales volume it's Kelly Clarkson, Season 1 winner, with career total sales at 9,836,000 versus Carrie Underwood, season 4 winner, at number two with a total career sales of 9,408,000.
But Clarkson has been around for four extra years and was the first idol.
These two out of seven finished shows are the only ones who really have made Simon Cowell's company money.
Clay Akin, who finished second behind Ruben Studdard in Season 2 is in third place with a total career total sales 4,896,000. The rest f the winners and contestants have been big losers for sales.
Q) What is 'expiration dating'?
March 22, 2009: Malcolm Middle.
A) This is when you start a relationship with a specific ending date.
Q) What is mummy sex?
March 23, 2009: Angeline.
A) Essentially this is where you wrap a person, generally in plastic type Saran wrap and then have sex with them. Thus the Mummy effect. This can e quit dangerous. The skin must be able to breathe so if you ever engage in this fetish practice make sure some portion of your skin is still fully exposed.
Q) What does the term nonversation refer too?
March 24, 2009: I. Clyde Erectious.
A) A completely worthless conversation, wherein nothing is illuminated, explained or otherwise elaborated upon. Typically occurs at parties, bars or other events where meaningful conversation is nearly impossible.
A perfect example is CraigsList Rants and Raves (R-n-R Boards).
Q) What is a Rusty Trombone?
March 25, 2009: Jennifer Bedwetter.
A) Besides being a musical instrument left to rust, it is a sexual term meaning:
The act of performing anal cunnilingus (oral licking of the a-hole) while reaching around to manually administer quick up and down motions to the penile shaft; resulting in a violent yet pleasant explosion. It is then customary for the female to then give a quick blow into the anus for good luck, the lips blowing into the anus sounds very similar to a trombone's sweet melody. This was made famous in whorehouses in the late 50's.
Q) My father says, my mother is always stepping on the passenger brake. What does he mean?
March 26, 2009: Karen Trovare.
A) The passenger brake is the nonexistent brake pedal located on the floor of the passenger (shotgun) side of the front seat of your car.
It is used instinctively by the passenger when the driver is driving insanely too fast, and the car needs to come quickly to a stop, which may not seem very possible at that particular moment.
It is sometimes used in conjunction with the 'OH SHIT' handle by the passenger door.
Q) I want anal sex with my girlfriend but she refuses. Are there any current statistics on women and anal sex?
March 27, 2009: Col. Klink.
A) Yes, there is a recent survey out, here is the results:
Two age groups were surveyed.
In the older group, they found -
9 out of 10 women between the ages of 30 and 50 have never had anal sex.
Of the ones who had anal sex, 2 in 5 liked it.
The remainder said they would never do it again.
In the younger group, they found -
3 out of five women between the ages of 15 and 29 have had anal sex.
70% said they did it because they didn't want to get pregnant.
30% said they did it because there boyfriend insisted.
Of the 3 out of 5 women, 60% percent said they did anal sex on a regular basis.
100 percent who have or haven't done it said their partner wouldn't go out with them again unless they did it.
Q) Can you tell me by race which men have the smallest penis?
March 28, 2009: Mohammed bin Mohd Ali Anwar.
A) There was a recent survey done by country, which tested certain races, here are the results:
The country with males having the smallest penis is India with an average size of five inches or smaller.
Next in order of SMALL penis size are:
Malaysia / Indonesia (Malays)
Thailand, Cambodia (tied)
China / Taiwan (same)
Q) What is a quirper?
March 29, 2009: Janice Jones.
A) A man who has an obsession to sniff the bicycle seats of females.
Q) What does the term or phrase 'Uber' mean?
March 30, 2009: Poo Bear.
A) Term with literal meaning of "above" in German. Brought to the mainstream in the early 80's by hardcore American punk band, the Dead Kennedys when using the term in the anti-Californian government song "California Uber Alles", which is a take off the German motto of "Deustchland Uber Alles", which translates to "Germany above all."
It means - The ultimate, above all, the best, top, something that nothing is better than.
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