M-16 Nail Gun; Radiological Survey; Male Blond Brain Fart; Flavorgasm; Wapanese; Thing-a-ma-bob; Obama GD2; Pullin a Palin; Bitch; Male Masturbation versus Sperm Count; Air Jerk; Pirate Hunting Cruises; Men Dating Outside Their Race; Date Rape; Obama Universal Healthcare; Elbow Wars; Cold Jerky; Bachelor Clean; Revenge Sex; TTTH; Photo Bombing; PC Whore; He's Got Sand; Paradox; Bachelor Pad versus Man cave; Sloppy Seconds; International Beer Summit; Birther; Midget Tossing.
Sorry, questions are answered in the order received. Please check daily for your question and The Professor's response.
Please submit your questions by email to:
Q) There is a picture of a rifle (M-16) that is an electric operated nail gun, supposedly made by Dewalt. I checked snoops, nothing there, is this thing real, and if it is, where can I get one?
Submitted by: Ruddy Whims.
A) It is not real. Someone used a design picture enhancing program like Adobe Photoshop and created it. Then circulated the picture around the Internet. But hell I wouldn't mind having one myself. I guess Dewalt doesn't realize how much money it could be making.
Q) What is a radiological survey?
Submitted by: Blades Binder.
A) It's the determination of radiation and, dose rates in a particular area.
Q) What is a male blond brain fart?
Submitted by: jenny picleloo.
A) It's when a man is so obsessed with a blond's beauty that all her other faults are ignored and accepted.
Note: Please continue to send me questions, but I am taking time off. My next post will be on Monday. Have a happy holiday America!
Q) What Wapanese?
Submitted by: Duey Long.
A)Two meanings:
1) People who have an obsession watching Japanese animated cartoons.
2)Japanese who believe their culture and society are superior to all others.
Q) What is a thing-a-ma-bob?
Submitted by: C Sing.
A)Also known as a thing-a-ma-jiggy.
It's the name of any object that you either forgot the name or don't know it.
Please hand me that thing-a-ma-bob.
Q) I keep hearing Obama's GD2 is coming, what are people talking about?
Submitted by: Ralph James, age 17.
A) The Great Depression Number 2 - the total failure of the stock market and massive layoffs with high unemployment, above 20 percent. Equal to or worse than the great depression of 1929.
Q) What is the true meaning of Pullin' a Palin?
Submitted by: John Boy McFlame.
A) What the Democrats refer to as -
Quitting when the going gets tough; abandoning the responsibility entrusted to you by your neighbors for book advances and to make money on the lecture circuit.
What the Republicans refer to as -
Bizarre move that will damn ambitions for higher office.
Q) What does the term 'Bitch' really mean?
Submitted by: B. Hines.
A) It has several meanings.
-Originally a phrase or term by dog breeders for a female canine.
-Slang term meaning a woman who acts like a dog with an aggressive personality. This was used frequently by men during the feminist movement.
-A domineering wife or girlfriend.
-When used to describe a Male (man) it refers to a wimp or someone who is very subordinate to a woman.
-A ghetto term used to describe a man's so-called woman or girlfriend.
-A male rape victim in prison is somebody's bitch!
Q) I am only 15, and my boyfriend masturbates frequently. He says, it's so I wont get pregnant because it keeps his sperm count low. Is this true?
Submitted by: Scared to Know.
A) You should be scared. Use a condom or at least get on the pill because you will get pregnant. Frequent masturbation reduces the male sperm count but it only takes ONE Sperm to get your pregnant in the millions he is shooting inside you!
Q) What is this so-called famous air jerk I keep hearing about?
Submitted by: Fu Mee.
A) Making a 'jerking off' motion with one's hand to express disgust, disinterest or disbelief, while simultaneously rolling one's eyes.
Q) I saw this on the Internet, is it true and if it is, where do I sign up - 'Luxury yachts from Russia offer pirate hunting cruises off the coast of Somalia?'
Submitted by: Elton Farnsworthy.
A) No this is not true, at least not yet. Some common sense should apply here. Arming civilians with large caliber automatic weapons to kill people is illegal. Even if you kill these assholes in international waters, and they certainly deserve to die, you probably will be arrested when you get home. I am sure someone like Obama would be outraged over killing terrorist that the UN calls pirates.
Q) Has there ever been any studies about what type of women men prefer outside their own race?
Submitted by: Becker Street.
A) Yes, there have been several, most are pretty consistent.
--White Males, age 30 to 50 prefer Asian Women.
--Black Males, of any adult age seem to prefer White Woman.
--Asian Males, age 25 to 40 seem to prefer White Women.
--Middle Eastern Males of any adult age seem to prefer young White Women, but not redheads, blonds preferred.
--Japanese Males, age 25 to 60 prefer young sexy blond White Women.
Q) I saw a TV show about Date Rape. These two woman psychologist claim the laws aren't tuff enough on men, even though the woman goes out with the guy again and again and has sex with him. What the hell is this country coming to, men are second class citizens?
Submitted by: Jerry.
A) This can all be summed up in one word – LIBERALS.
You wanted them, now you got them! The best thing that can happen to men now is that female robots are created to satisfy ever male need thus eliminating the need for women!
These asshole stupid feminist want to run the world and essentially enslave all males. The bottomless pit of nonsense comes from psychobabble, the news media, and lawyers, the root cause of the downfall of the male society.
Ladies if you are stupid enough to get drunk and go home with some guy and have sex, don't be claiming rape because your conscious wakes up the next morning!
Q) What do you think of Obama's Universal Healthcare Plan for all Americans?
Submitted by: Ben Davison.
A) It's just socialized healthcare. It's time we wake up and realize that nothing is free. This Obama character has spent more money than all the other Presidents combined and he is still spending. The nation is heading for total bankruptcy and economic collapse.
There are simpler ways to ways to make healthcare affordable. Here are just a few:
First and foremost, NO healthcare for any reason unless you are a U.S. Citizen. Countries that have socialized healthcare are not free to non citizens, this is a myth perpetrated by the Liberal left. Americans believe this crap because most people have never traveled extensively or lived outside the USA.
Second. stop all the lawsuits by these idiot lawyers.
Next, reduce the paperwork, and make everything electronic.
Next, at least 50% of all drugs currently requiring prescriptions can be sold over the counter. Birth control pills and Viagra are just a few examples.
Next, make Congress get there own private health insurance and pay for it like the rest of us have to.
Next, Get rid of the so-called bullshit in the healthcare system, like going to shrinks and counselors.
Next, make vaccines free and compulsory for all school children given by a registered nurse at the school.
Next, make it mandatory that if you are sick and have a contagion like the Flu you must stay home so you do not infect others at work.
Next, allow online prescriptions.
Next, allow long term prescriptions to be refilled yearly.
Next, stop hospitals from inflating their cost by adding third party unnecessary services. Example: A hospital doctor comes by to see you and they charge you for it. You all ready have your own doctor or an emergency doctor to take care of you, another is just redundant.
Finally, Drug companies would not be allowed to charge people in the U.S. any more for any type of drug than the cheapest same drug cost sold outside the United States.
Q) What are elbow wars?
Submitted by: Sharon Cudry.
A) This is when you fight for your elbow space domination in a shared adjoining seat arm rest, such as a movie theatre.
Q) I was walking by my brother's room Friday night when I heard him on his cellphone say, My Mom came home and I had to go cold jerky. Is that something dirty, maybe I can use against him?
Submitted by: The Sister.
A) Going Cold Jerk means to stop masturbating (playing with himself). Your Mom coming home is a good reason, although parents should realize it's a normal thing, everyone does it, male and female. On the lighter side you shouldn't spy or ease drop on your brother, but it is fun, isn't it?
Q) What does the term 'Bachelor' clean mean?
Submitted by: Rhoda Welsh.
A) This refers to a man's concept of various levels of a garment, as in how clean (or dirty it is depending on your perspective). Men have levels of clean, as in I wore that shirt only once, so I will hang it outside in the fresh air, then wear it again, no washing needed. This can be carried further, that's why woman need to date men with good hygiene habits.
An example:
Some men wear their under-shorts for 3-days, then turn them inside out and wear them another 3-days before washing.
Q) What is Revenge Sex, this sound interesting and rewarding?
Submitted by: Austin Milbarge.
A) It's pretty much what it implies. Generally, but not always, it's when a boyfriend or husband cheats on his girlfriend, she finds out, has sex with someone else and she lets it get back to him.
Here are two examples, both are real, that I am aware of:
1.) A girl cheats on her husband, they split up, he has sex with her sister.
2.) A guy does hookers on the side for oral sex at the office. His wife is not understanding, so she sleeps with his boss.
Q) What is TTTH?
Submitted by: Brad.
A) Talk to the Hand.
Q) What is Photo-Bombing?
Submitted by: Marianne.
A) When a person intentionally imposes themselves into another person or groups picture.
Q) What is PC Whore?
Submitted by: Leroy Jones.
A) A girl who flirts and talks about sex over chat lines or social networking blogs but doesn't actually do it.
Q) What does the term – 'he's got sand' mean and where did it come from?
Submitted by: Hu Wa.
A) It's an old western cowboy term meaning: guts (very brave), as in that guys got sand.
Q) There is a village where the barber shaves all those and only those who do not shave themselves. Who shaves the barber?
Submitted by: Babbling Blondes of Babylon.
A) This is a paradox, and there are several ways to solve, or attempt, to solve this depending on how it is interpreted (read).
A paradox requires a complex formula but here is the answer:
Most people would agree that -
The Barber shaves himself.
The only other option is, The Barber doesn't shave.
Q) What's the difference between a Bachelor Pad and a Man Cave?
Submitted by: Laura Jeens.
A) To a bachelor, nothing.
To a married man everything. A 'man cave' as married men like to refer is their little defined space within the home or property area (barn, wood-shop, etc.) that is theirs. Not to be touched or disturbed by the woman a.k.a. the wife. The man cave is where the MAN goes to to his own thing without any interference by the woman!
Q) What is sloppy seconds?
Submitted by: Janice Brady.
A) This is when more than one guy is having sex with a woman and the second guy gets 'sloppy seconds' referring to the first guy has made his entry and sperm deposit and the second guy gets the gooey wet vagina. A term used heavily during the Vietnam War by soldiers at a whorehouse.
Q) What is all this international talk about a Beer Summit?
Submitted by: Joey Blue Eyes.
A) It's am informal meeting between a person or several people with President Obama at the White House to have a beer together.
Q) What is a birther?
Submitted by: Thumbs Malloy.
A) A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth or birth certificate.
Q) What is midget tossing?
Submitted by: Snooker Willy.
A) It's pretty much what it says. Actually called Dwarf Tossing, it was bar sport, now outlawed in most U.S. states, that Midgets (little people as they like to be called), wearing special padded clothing or Velcro costumes are thrown onto mattresses or at Velcro-coated walls. Participants compete to throw the dwarf the farthest. The term "dwarf throwing" is sometimes used. In some bars, waxed shuffle boards using plastic bowling pins were used. The midgets were thrown like bowling balls knocking down the pins.
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