Q-n-A Subjects for January 2010:
Husbands Cheating; E-coli versus Salmonella; How to Identify Cheater; Guys Playing with their Balls; PMDD; Cingulotomy; Request for Anal Sex; Human Cannon Blaster; Sore Vagina; Firm Hooters; Circumcised Men versus STDs; Blue Jeans and Snake Bits; People Dying from Snake Bits; Hikers and Snakes; Most aggressive Snakes; Panty Punishment; Back End Supervisor; Normal Male Semen; Getting Started with Sex; Warp Drive Engines; Gay Marriage; Sex with Animals; CTBP; Ravage Someone; Americans and Obesity; Mount Her Like a Dog in Heat; Truth about One Drink Per Day; LAB; Room Texting; Older Women Getting Pregnant.
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Q) I had a baby a few months ago and now I found out my husband is cheating on me. What should I do?
Submitted by: Karri B.
A) Live with it. This is not uncommon and generally is the fault of the women (bet I get a lot of emails over this). Your husband is feeling neglected. Children are something men generally do not want, sex is what men want. So if your overweight and let yourself go that along with no attention to your husband are the main complaints men have about their wives after pregnancy. So look at yourself first before blaming him.
Q) What's the difference between ecoli and salmonella?
Submitted by: Leonard Flakes.
A) E-coli (Escherichia coli ) is a bacteria commonly found in the intestine of warm blooded creatures. Most e-coli is harmless, but serotype O157:H7, can cause serious food poisoning in humans, and are occasionally responsible for product recalls. Although virulent strains typically cause no more than a bout of diarrhea in healthy adult humans, particularly virulent strains, such as O157:H7 or O111:B4, can cause serious illness or death in the elderly, the very young, or those with health issues. E-coli can live outside of it's host for brief periods in the form of fecal contamination. Make sure all meats such as beef and pork are thoroughly cooked.
Salmonella are found in both warm and cold blooded creatures.
They cause illnesses in humans and many animals, such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and the food borne illness salmonellosis. Salmonella can survive for weeks outside a living body. They have been found in dried excrement after over 2 1/2 years. Ultraviolet radiation and heat accelerate their demise; they perish after being heated to 55 °C (131 °F) for one hour, or to 60 °C (140 °F) for half an hour. To protect against salmonella infection, it is recommended that food be heated for at least ten minutes at 75 °C (167 °F) so that the center of the food reaches this temperature. Salmonella is not destroyed by freezing. The most common way to get salmonella is through eating uncooked chicken eggs. A lot of Americans contract this every year from drinking eggnog. Strong alcohol such as whiskey, bourbon, vodka, etc. will kill salmonella but the alcohol content has o be strong, about 3 times normal. The best thing is just avoid drinking this holiday beverage. Make sure all foul such as chicken is thoroughly cooked. Cook all eggs completely.
Q) How can I tell if my wife is cheating on me?
Submitted by: Bill.
A) Short of hiring a private eye or following her around yourself, here are some simple signs to look for:
1. She is not giving you sex, makes excuses why not to have sex, etc.
2. Check her panties for semen discharge, look in the dirty clothes basket.
3. Is she buying new underwear.
4. Has she changed her clothing dress habits, does she dress more sexy or alluring.
5. Has she stopped wearing her wedding ring.
6. Has she gone on a diet and started to exercise.
7. Does she use excuses to work late or go in early.
8. Does she disappear and say she is going shopping or out with friends.
9. Did she leave her cellphone at home.
10. New make-up and perfume are sometimes a factor.
11. Does she suddenly have something new or extra money, this could be a gift from a lover.
12. Has she stopped cooking diner.
13. Is she getting her hair and nails done, going to a tanning saloon, or things of that nature.
14. Check her cellphone for incoming and outgoing phone calls.
15. Check her email.
Q) Why do men touch themselves in public? It seems I am always seeing some guy playing with his balls.
Submitted by: Mary Suffer.
A) Gee Mary, maybe you are paying too much attention to a guy's private parts, try looking up instead of down.
But to answer you question, men are not necessarily playing with their balls, they are adjusting them in their underwear, sorta like the way women do with their panties when it gets in the crack of their butt.
Q) What is PMDD?
Submitted by: Sandy.
A) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a dramatic form of Premenstrual syndrome, afflicting 3% to 8% of women.
Q) What is Cingulotomy?
Submitted by: Elroy Judds.
A) I believe you mean a Bilateral Cingulotomy which is a form of psychosurgery, introduced in 1952 as an alternative to lobotomy.
In most cases the procedure starts with the medical team taking a number of CT scan X-ray images of the brain of the patient. This step ensures that the exact target, the cingulate cortex is mapped out, so that the surgeon can identify it. Then burr holes are created into the patient’s skull using a drill. Lesions at the targeted tissue are made with the help of fine electrodes inserted very carefully at the right angle into the subject’s brain based on plotting charts and making sure important arteries and blood vessels are intact.
Q) This guy I am dating keeps asking me to do anal sex, does this mean he is really gay?
Submitted by: Janice.
A) No, but it could mean he's willing to learn.
Q) What is a human cannon blaster?
Submitted by: Holtz.
A) It's when you have to go potty really bad and it all comes out in one giant shot like a cannon blast, usually diarrhea.
Q) I had sex, now my vagina hole hurts like hell. What can I do about a sore pussy?
Submitted by: Drilled Hard.
A) First you must have the guy perform foreplay and get you wet and ready before entering. You can damage the vagina with what is called vaginal tearing. In most cases this will heel by itself but be painful to the touch. It opens the possibility to vaginal infections which is another problem and that will need a doctor's care. If foreplay was performed and it still hurts use a lubricant such as KY Jelly.
As for what you do afterwards and your vagina is sore the best thing is to soak it in a hot tub of water.
If after this it still hurts leave your panties off and apply an ice pack to the external area for 15-minutes and avoid any sexual intercourse for at least 72-hours after the pain has gone away.
Q) How do I get young firm hooters?
Submitted by: Al Bundy.
A) Do what I do, watch porn, it's cheaper than the nudie bar.
Q) Is it true that circumcised men can transmit STDs?
Submitted by: Concerned.
A) Yes. But anyone infected with any STD can generally transmit the disease. A recent study shows that men who are circumcised have a 60 percent less chance of getting an STD or in transmitting other bacteria that infects a woman such as cervical cancer or yeast infections.
So ladies, avoid men who are not circumcised, and sleep with those who are.
Q) I heard that if you wear jeans this can prevent snake bits, is this true?
Submitted by: A Hiker.
A) No it is not true. However, studies have found that hikers who wear denim jeans, not designer jeans, but the original heavy cowboy type denim are less likely to die from snake bits, especially rattlesnakes. Apparently there is something in the denim that reduces the venom. This doesn't mean you wont be bitten but it raises your chances of survival.
Q) How many people die from snake bits every year?
Submitted by: Traveler.
A) Over two million people world wide are bitten by venomous snakes each year. About 100,00 of them die.
Q) What advice do you have for hikers concerned about snakes?
Submitted by: A Different Hiker.
A) Wear heavy denim cowboy jeans. Wear two pairs of white tube athletic socks and heavy hiking boots. Walk looking down. Don't sit down, kneel down, or put your hands down on a log or the ground without looking first. Stay on the trail. Don't go into caves.
Q) What are the most aggressive venomous snakes?
Submitted by: Got 2 Know.
A) The Puff Adder, the Black Mamba, the Spitting Cobra, the King Brown, and the Tiger Snake.
All snakes can be aggressive when disturb and are most likely to bit during mating season.
Q) What is Panty Punishment?
Submitted by: Cindy.
A) This is when a guy makes a girl stand up and pee with her panties on, generally she is standing in the bathtub.
There were no questions for today.
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Q) What does the connotation 'back end supervisor' mean?
Submitted by: New in Workplace.
A) It has three possible meanings:
1. A legitimate position of authority in the workplace.
2. A male boss having sex with his female employee
3. A male boss having gay anal sex with his male employee.
Q) What is normal male semen?
Submitted by: Alex.
A) Semen is usually white or gray, but can occasionally appear yellowish. Pink or red semen suggests that blood is present. Although this is only rarely due to a serious health problem, men with semen that seems bloodstained should seek advice from their family doctor.
Semen clots almost immediately after ejaculation, forming a sticky, jelly-like liquid. It will liquefy again in 5 to 40 minutes. It is quite normal for semen to form jelly-like globules and this does not indicate any health or fertility problem. Failure of clotting and subsequent liquefaction can cause fertility problems.
The average volume of semen produced at ejaculation is 2 to 5ml. Volumes consistently less than 1.5ml (hypospermia) or more than 5.5ml (hyperspermia) are probably abnormal. Lower volumes may occur after very frequent ejaculation and higher volumes are seen after prolonged abstinence.
Q) How do I get started with sex, I am a male, age 14, and masturbate daily, but I want a real woman, not my hand. Girls are attracted to me but I seem to get cold feet when I advance too far. Can you give me some advice?
Submitted by: Horny.
A) Women are not love toys nor are they a sack of flour. So the first thing is be nice, be gentle. Girls that young are like you uniformed and shy. Don't spend a lot of time talking about yourself, your friends, or what you like. Ask her what she likes, get her to open up about herself. As she becomes relaxed, hold her hand. Then gently kiss her on the cheek. If she doesn't pull away waste no time, immediately kiss her on the lips. Hold her firm but not too tight. Don't grab her boobs or hair, or pinch her butt that comes later. If she kisses you back proceed. On the second time, find a quiet out of the way spot, and see where things go. Fondle her gently, if she resist it's probably a no go for now, if she doesn't proceed slowly. It's most important that you do not brag to your friends about what you do or lie about what you did, it will get back to her. Many a man has lost a good thing because of his ego and bragging. If it proceeds to sex, use a condom. As for the sex part of your question, try and convince her to give you a handjob, it will feel much better with her doing it than you masturbating (jerking yourself off). Take one of those single wrap moist towels with you for her clean-up.
Q) Are warp drive engines real?
Submitted by: Curious Girl.
A) At the moment warp drive engines, on earth, do not exist yet. Scientist around the world are working on building one, and probably some day they will be developed.
A warp drive engine allows a spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second.
Q) Why do you think people are against gay rights and gay marriage in America?
Submitted by: A Gay Man.
A) I don't think the majority of Americans care one way or the other. Keep in mind that the far left and the far right are the vocal cry in America but combined only make up 15 percent of the population. People on the right love to play the religious card. People on the left think government knows best.
One argument that is always made is that if gay marriage is allowed this will open the door to things like people marrying their siblings (brother, sister); sex and marriage with animals; giving pedophiles a legal out; and so on.
Gays bring a lot of grief upon themselves by demanding they participate openly in TV and movies, participating in demonstrations and marches. This type of behavior angers many people who normally wouldn't care less. Sometimes the quiet way is the best way. Go about your business without attracting attention to yourselves. Just do it legally and peacefully and most Americans wont care one way or the other.
Q) Following up on yesterday's answer. You mentioned sex with animals, do you think this is all right?
Submitted by: Ms Jones.
A) Yesterday's Q-n-A discussed Gay Marriage and some reasons people use to oppose it, one was that it may lead to people marrying their pet.
As for sex with animals are you so naive that you think this is new?
People have been having sex with animals for thousands of years, and some cultures openly approve of this. Muslims in the Middle East and Africa often have sex with goats. Ranchers in New Zealand and in the USA have been known to have sex with sheep. Women have sex with male dogs, and so on. Passing stupid laws to prevent this wont stop it.
As for whether I think it's all right, personally i do not, but I am a firm believer in individual freedom and the government has no right to tell you what to do in your own home. We need some regulation such as child abuse and stopping pedophiles, but unfortunately once we allow the government to start regulating our behavior they never stop.
Q) I heard my mother say, 'That girl has a serious case of CTBP' what does that mean?
Submitted by: Lauren.
A) It means the woman has 'Champagne Taste and a Beer Pocketbook.' This simply means she spends more than she makes, or she expects men to buy her fancy clothes, shoes, jewelry, and cars.
Q) What does it mean to ravage someone?
Submitted by: Cindy.
A) It's a ancient term used by villagers of invading armies. In the olden days, invading armies would ravage and plunder. The plunder was taking all the food and wealth from the defeated. The ravage was the rape of the women. This is a practice that has never gone away even today. Thus comes the term 'from the winner goes the spoils' meaning that if you defeat your enemy everything they possessed was yours even their souls.
Q) Why are Americans so fat?
Submitted by: Hans Schroder.
A) Many reasons but the main cause is fast food and eating out at restaurants, as in lazy parenting. This coupled with a lack of exercise and so-called political correctness that we cannot call a fat person fat is insane. Hey if you're fat you are fat and if you don't like it: either get over it or do something about it. Try exercise and lose weight you blimps.
Another major cause is schools don't enforce mandatory exercises starting at the kindergarten level trough 12th grade. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on stupid academic courses like Shakespeare and spend it on gym teachers.
Obese (fat) people are one of America's serious health concerns. This brings on a whole list of health problems and issues.
Q) The last there guys I was with mounted me like a dog in heat then discarded me like a worn out shoe, what's causing this?
Submitted by: Poor Suzy Needs Advice.
A) Men probably see you as a problem.
Talk less, and please the man more.
Once a man identifies a woman as hump sex their primordial behavior kicks in. In other words all that bullshit you read about men caring, being politically correct, and having a feminine side is just that – bullshit. Change your ways or live with the fact that your a hump sex object.
Q) I have heard a lot of talk that one drink a day cannot hurt you and in many cases, such as red wine it can help you, is this true?
Submitted by: Mona.
A) In most cases the answer is no. The reason is the amount of liquor or spirits including wine and beer should not exceed four ounces, a half glass per day. So if you are heading to a bar after work and only having one drink you are taking in twice the acceptable health risk amount. At home, drinking red wine is the same, pour only 4 ounces per day, no more.
Q) Yesterday in the coffee room I heard two guys talking, one said to the other, that girl was a LAB. What did he mean?
Submitted by: Joannie.
A) A LAB is a girl that when a man has sex with her she just lays still like a board and does nothing:
LAB = Like a Board
Q) What is room texting?
Submitted by: A Confused Father.
A) This is when teenagers in the same room or even sitting at the same table could be conversing but instead text one another.
Q) I heard recently that a woman's chance of getting pregnant after thirty is reduced by 90 percent is this true?
Submitted by: Maryann.
A) Yes. A recent long term study shows that a woman produces the greatest number of eggs from age 15 through her mid twenties and reduces dramatically as she gets older. The drop off point for the average woman is age thirty. This study was created because so many women over the last few decades have pursued careers and chose to have children later in life from mid-thirties upward to early forties. An older woman's chances of getting pregnant are greatly reduced the older she gets. One option being explored is to have a woman's eggs removed while she is young and frozen, then impregnated and placed back in the womb so she can have a baby later in life. This takes all the fun out of making one don't you think?
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