Oct 1, 2010

Q-n-A Postings for October 2010:

Q-n-A Subjects for October 2010:
Baby Boomer versus 'Y' Generation; Milk Snake; Getting Kong; Yo-Yoing; Socialized Terrorism; Real Gold versus Gold Plated; Tree Retardment; Internet Eye; Fake Rolex Watches; Smell Yourself; Sweeper; Pets and Venomous Snakes; Dog Training for Snakes; Fake versus Replica; Acid Test; Gold; WTT/WTS.

Sorry, questions are answered in the order received. Please check daily for your question and The Professor's response.

Please submit your questions by email to:


The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What's the difference between a baby boomer and the 'Y' generation?
Submitted by: Craig.
A) Basically the Baby Boomer was born sometime after world war 2 (1950's mostly), this generation are all either in retirement or approaching retirement age. Whereas the so-called 'Y' generation are people who are under the age of 30.
The 'Y' generation proposes a great impact on how the economy works. For example the Baby Boomer like cars, boats, motorcycles, off roading vehicles, and suburbia living, and rarely rides mass transportation.
The 'Y' generation is the complete opposite. They want a clean environment, accept living in an urban environment, ride mostly mass transportation, walk, or ride a bicycle. They don't buy recreation vehicles, muscle cars and trucks, and prefer not to live in the suburbs. This is all ready having a big impact on the automobile industry even with the introduction of hybrid cars. The 'Y' generation simply will go to someone like Hertz Rent-a-Car and rent a vehicle if they need to leave the city. They also are more concerned with all their electronic gizmos and devices. So why one aspect of the economy is harmed a whole new avenue of market possibilities opens up.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What does it mean to Milk the Snake?
Submitted by: Laura Torres.
A) There are three meanings that come to mind:
1/ - This is the extraction of poison from a venomous snake.
2/ - It refers to a man urinating (taking a pee).
3/ - It can refer to a man masturbating.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is the meaning of a Blond getting Kong?
Submitted by: Li Wong.
A) It's when a white blond girl has sex with a black man.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is yo-yoing?
Submitted by: Bert Sparks.
A) It has two definitions:
1) Using a yo-yo to include doing tricks with it such as, walking the dog.
2) Losing weight rapidly and quickly putting it back on, this is caused by crash diets and binge eating. This is repeated often by dieters thus creating a yo-yo effect.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is Socialized Terrorism?
Submitted by: Kandi Charms.
A) When someone comes to visit unexpectedly and stays for a prolonged unwanted visit.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) How can you tell the difference between Real Gold versus Gold Plated?
Submitted by: The Girlfriend.
A) Generally if it's done properly you can't tell the difference it must be tested. In some cases it is so obvious that one can at least suspect but to be absolutely sure it must be tested. Any jewelry store or pawn shop can tell you. Generally a sample is taken by rubbing the object, such as a ring, across a flat stone. This leaves some fine gold filings on the stone sheet. Then acid is applied. The acid content solution is set for the type of cold content quality, generally 14K (karat) in the United States. The acid solution will turn clear after applied if it is gold plated. Real gold will remain and can be seen through the acid.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is tree retardment?
Submitted by: Zull.
A) To retard a tree refers mostly to citrus and fruit trees whereby you either trim the tree at the wrong time of the year, don't fertilize it properly, or water it incorrectly all of which may cause the tree to die but more likely not to produce citrus or fruit.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is the Internet Eye?
Submitted by: Jake.
A) Actually you mean Internet-I which refers to yourself being addicted to the use of the Internet. You are on the Net literally 24/7. Generally people who are addicted are Internet Twitter or Facebook users. This term can also apply to gadgets such as your I-Pad or Android.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) How can you tell a Fake Rolex Watch?
Submitted by: Simmy Lang.
A) Here are some guidelines:
1/ - If you bought a Rolex for 50 to 100 dollars it's most likely a fake, or it's stolen.
2/ - Rolex Watches are made to absolute perfection so look for any imperfections. They are tested at the factory and if anything is wrong they throw them away. The watch never gets into consumer hands not even as a second like some designer clothes.
3/ - Real Rolex Watches are waterproof. So if someone wants to sell you a Rolex regardless of the price just get a glass of water and drop it in. If they refuse don't buy it.
4/ - You will never see a Rolex with a Day and Date in stainless steel they are only made in 18 karat Gold and Platinum.
5/ - The cyclops or little magnifying glass above the date on a real Rolex is 2 1/2 times the magnification whereas on a fake in most cases is only 1 1/2 times. So on a real Rolex the date will jump out and be clearly visible on a fake you will have to strain to see it.
6/ - Simple rule never buy a Rolex off the street, don't buy them while in Asia, don't buy them off Craigslist or the Internet. If you want a used Rolex Watch then purchase it from a well pawn shop dealer or jewelry store or just buy a new one.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) Can a person smell his own body odor, as in sniff his arm pits t see if he stinks?
Submitted by: Bull Trends.
A) As a general rule the answer is no. Some peoples noses are more sensitive than others. But the nose adapts easily to odor. Many men are under the impression that if they smell their arm pit and it doesn't stink others wont be able to smell it either. This is false. In fact if you can smell your own odor it is not advisable to be around others.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is a Sweeper?
Submitted by: Ron 'Jimmy Boy' Rudneck
A) Three possible definitions as follows:
1/ - A person who sweep floors.
2/ - A compacted shotgun with a drum magazine actually called a Street Sweeper, shortened to 'Sweeper.'
3/ - A hitman within the intelligence community. Usually used to eliminate (kill) other agents or people who are a direct threat to the agency.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) How many pets are bitten by poisonous snakes in the USA each year?
Submitted by: Rafael Venner.
A) Approximately 300,000 dogs and cats are bitten by venomous snakes each year in the United States.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) Follow-up question. Is there a way to train your dog to avoid poisonous snakes?
Submitted by: Rafael Venner.
A) Yes. But this needs to be done by a professional dog handler. The method is simple but dangerous. The trainer gets a rattlesnake and defangs it. Then the snake is put into a wire cage so the dog can see and hear it. An electronic collar is placed on the dog. Every time the dog gets near the snake the dog gets an electric shock. In a small period of time the dog will not go near any snakes. Remember a dog cannot distinct between a venomous snake and harmless garter snake so the dog will avoid all snakes.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What's the difference between a Fake and a Replica?
Submitted by: Homer Dudtrain.
A) A 'Replica' is a copy of an antique, generally these are some type of firearm or weapon like a sword. They are real, just a copy.
A 'Fake' is when you take a replica and try and make it look real (as in authentic).

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) In an earlier q&a you described how to tell the difference between real gold and gold plated. What was the acid used?
Submitted by: Slice.
A) The traditional acid test for gold consists of placing a small drop of a strong acid, such as nitric acid, onto the metal's surface. Most metals fizz or bubble, while precious metals are unaffected. The acid test is thus decisive, immediate, cheap and simple. This is commonly known as the 'Acid Test.'

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) Is it true that Gold is virtually unaffected by time, that you can drop it in the ocean and hundreds of years later it is the same?
Submitted by: Shinny Toots.
A) Yes this is true.
For example: If you found a gold bar from a Spanish treasure ship in the ocean the bar would still be like the day it was made. Gold does not tarnish or corrode like other metals. The only thing found on gold bars is coral. Sometimes coral will attached itself to a gold bar. Coral is a living entity found in oceans.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) When I see a firearm add it often is preceded by WTT/WTS, what does that mean?
Submitted by: Lorraine.
A) WTT – stands for: Want To Trade.
WTS – stands for: Want To Sell.