Nov 1, 2010

Q-n-A Postings for November 2010:

Q-n-A Subjects for November 2010:
Pregnancy Conception; Japanese Juicer; Crash House; Lottery versus Slot Machines; TSA Full Body Scanners; Lottery Suggestions; TSA Airport Security; Beat the Bush.

Sorry, questions are answered in the order received. Please check daily for your question and The Professor's response.

Please submit your questions by email to:


The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) How long does it take the average couple to conceive a child?
Submitted by: Vivian Thomas.
A) Six Months.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What is a Japanese Juicer?
Submitted by: Wow Me.
A) It's having sex with a Japanese girl in the shower, pool, hot tub, etc.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What's a crash house?
Submitted by: Cassandra Helms.
A) It's like a safe house. A place away from another that you keep secret.
For example: A man has another home or apartment for his mistress and the wife knows nothing about it.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Sorry I have been out of town.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) Which has better odds the Power Ball Lottery or Slot Machines at a Casino?
Submitted by: Ronnie James.
A) The average slot machine at a casino will pay off more frequently than a lottery ticket. If you are looking to hit a big jackpot the One Dollar Slot Machine has a better chance average than a million dollar lottery ticket.
Saving that they are both a gamble and the odds are always with house.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What do you think of these TSA Full Body Screeners?
Submitted by: Gin Sing.
A) Prolonged exposure to radiation is bad. In other words if you travel a lot this can be a problem. Your choices are few however, you can drive, hitchhike, walk, take a bus or train, sprout wings, but if you wanna get on a plane then live with it.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) There are people who win at the Lottery, any suggestions on playing?
Submitted by: Carlile Willy.
A) Yes, don't play. But if you want to throw your money away the best suggestions I have are:
1/ - Never play the same powerball number on a ticket that cost more than one dollar.
2/ - Try checking what are the most frequent numbers that come up on that particular lottery game.
3/ - Always play the same numbers every time.

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What would be an alternative to using these TSA Full Body Screeners?
Submitted by: Kandi Harper.
A) If they allowed people to carry concealed weapons onto planes such as a handgun then there wouldn't be a problem. You think any of those asshole 911 hijackers would have been able to carry out that act if just a few people on those planes were allowed to carry handguns?

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

Q) What does it mean to Beat the Bush?
Submitted by: Greg Durks.
A) It has three general meanings:
1/ - Originally it referred to a line of natives in Africa that would make noises beating two sticks together to drive the game toward the hunter to be shot.
2/ - Later it referred to exploring all possibilities to find a job or a solution to a problem.
3/ - The latest connotation refers to a girl being initiated into a gang where is has to have sex with all the other gang members to be accepted.