Witness Protection Program; Tight Vagina; Cooking Meat; Feng Shui; Ion Power; Fastest Animal on Earth; Truth about Online Pharmacy Ads; Other Fast Animals; Bacteria versus Viruses; Pregnant and Sexy; Dating Advice for Woman; Sneezing Causes; Problems After the Senior Prom; 2-Legged Cougars; Depth Charge Drinks; Tequila Shooters; Karma; iMac Computers; Most Effective Weapon for the Foot Soldier; Pizza in America; How to Get Pregnant; Causes of Headaches; About Menstruation; The Menstruation Cycle; Husbands and No Sex; Loco Weed.
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Q) What do you think of the ‘Witness Protection Program?’
June 01, 2008: Mr. Anonymous.
A) For criminals looking for a reduced sentenced or way out of a predicament it is probably a good thing. But for the average citizen it would suck, and here’s why -
You have to give up all ties to everything you have and everyone you know. They don’t pay you for this except for a short period of time until your testimony is complete then your own your own. So if they can pay these huge rewards to get people like Osama bin Laden who they can’t even capture, then the only way this would work for me is pay me big bucks and relocate all my family, otherwise make your case without me!
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Q) My girlfriends vagina is extremely tight. It is hard to penetrate her without lubrication. Any suggestions?
June 03, 2008: Alan B.
A) Foreplay is the best including oral on her by you if she likes it. If you can get her to have an orgasm just before penetration this will help her relax. Lubrication is the right way to go. Make sure you use KY Jelly if you are using a condom, things like baby oil destroy the latex structure of the condom.
Overall be glad she's tight, most men would think that's great. Good luck.
Q) Why do chefs say that you should always let meet rest before cutting?
June 04, 2008: Shirley Something.
A) If you cut any meat or foul right away the juices will run out, thus making the meat dry and less tender. If you wait approximately 3 to 5 minutes before cutting the juices then absorb back into the proteins of the meat and make it moist and tender when eating.
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(Q) What about Feng Shui?
June 06, 2008: Jennifer Hughes.
A) Fēng Shuǐ (traditional Chinese: 風水); pronounced fung-shway or sometimes fung-shwee in English is an ancient Chinese practice believed to utilize the Laws of both heaven (astronomy) and earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive Qi. The original designation for the discipline is Kan Yu literally meaning: heaven and earth.
The words 'feng shui' literally translate as "wind-water"in English. This is a cultural shorthand taken from the following passage of the Zhangshu (Book of Burial) by Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty:
Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.
Many modern enthusiasts claim that feng shui is the practice of arranging objects (such as furniture) to help people achieve their goals. More traditionally, feng shui is important in choosing a place to live and finding a burial site, along with agricultural planning.
Proponents claim that feng shui has an effect on health, wealth and personal relationships. Critics consider it a pseudoscience, even sorcery.
The bottom line it is a superstition practiced primarily by Cantonese Chinese, those from Canton Providence and Hong Kong which mainly made up the Chinese settlement in San Francisco California in the 1800's.
Q) What is Ion Power?
June 07, 2008: Rickie Mentz
A) It is actually referred to a 'Ion Propulsion.' Once thought to be a science fiction item from the Star Trek days, is now a reality in a small concept and method. NASA introduced Ion Propulsion on October 24, 1998 aboard the spacecraft 'Deep Space 1.'
Some Background - The engineering that makes this possible represents a journey that started more than half a century ago, when modern rocketry was invented. The technology owed its life-giving spark to Wernher von Braun. Dr. Wernher von Braun, a rocket scientist from Germany, was first introduced to the possibility of electric propulsion in the 1930s, through his mentor, Dr. Hermann Oberth. But von Braun started his career working on chemical propulsion systems. Dr. Robert Goddard, had examined the subject as early as 1906. Goddard had mentioned the possibility of accelerating electrically charged particles to very high velocities without the need for high temperatures. In 1950, the Army decided to expand its work on missiles and rockets. The Army moved its rocket team, including von Braun, Stuhlinger, and other members of the German team, to Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala. Together, these scientists built the Redstone missile, which was adapted to be the Jupiter-C rocket. The Jupiter-C launched Explorer 1, America's first satellite, in 1958. In 1960, von Braun and his team transferred to NASA, forming the nucleus of the new Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville.
Rockets powered by electric propulsion systems cannot generate enough thrust to lift their own weight. A chemically powered launch vehicle, however, can lift an upper stage that carried a spacecraft powered by a lightweight electric propulsion system (Ion Powered). This electric propulsion system, the scientists believe, could develop sufficient thrust in frictionless space to propel large spacecraft over vast distances.
Specific Answer to your Question - An 'Ion Thruster or engine, i.e. Ion Power' is a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion that creates thrust by the acceleration of ions. Ion thrusters can be characterized by how they accelerate the ions, with either electrostatic or electromagnetic forces being used. Electrostatic ion thrusters use the Coulomb Force and accelerate the ions in the direction of the electric field. Electromagnetic ion thrusters use the Lorentz Force to accelerate the ions. Note that the term "ion thruster" frequently denotes the electrostatic or gridded ion thrusters only.
The thrust created in ion thrusters is very small compared to conventional chemical rockets, but a very high specific impulse, or propellant efficiency, is obtained.
Due to their relatively high power needs, given the specific power of power supplies, and the requirement of an environment void of other ionized particles, ion thrusters are currently only practical for in-space propulsion applications.
Q) What's the fastest animal on Earth?
June 08, 2008: Lydia Sereene.
A) Try a falcon at 208 kilometers per hour (130 mph) which can leave a cheetah or gazelle in the dust! The answer certainly surprised researchers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who tracked the diving speeds of a tame gyrfalcon (JER-falkon), an Arctic falcon named Kumpan. They used a telescope attached to a computer specially designed by Duke zoologist Vance Tucker to record Kumpan's location and speed each second during his high-speed dives.
Q) What about all these Online Pharmacy Ads I get for email?
June 09, 2008: Mike Gunn.
A) They call it SPAM for a reason. Ignore these ads, never answer them, never buy anything from them! These pharmacy ads are a scam. One of three things will happen:
1/ They will take your money and you will get nothing.
2/ You will get a pill that is not any good, been cut down, expired, or is a sugar pill.
3/ If you do get a real drug, it wont be from Canada it will be from India, Mexico, or China, enough said!
Q) As a follow-up on the fastest animal, then of the two remaining, which are faster the cheetah or gazelle?
June 10, 2008: Gina Simmone.
A) The Chetah is a member of the cat family it is the fastest land animal covering speeds up to 70 Mph for short distances up to 1,500 feet. It can accelerate from 0 to 68 Mph in 60-seconds.
The Gazelle is part of the antelope family they reach speeds up to 50 Mph and can hold these speeds for long periods of time.
Summary – The Chetah is faster but a sprinter whereas the Gazelle is a distance runner.
Q) what's the difference between a Bacteria and a Virus?
June 11, 2008: Jenny Falcone.
A) Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a wide range of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods to spirals. Bacteria are ubiquitous in every habitat on Earth, growing in soil, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, seawater, and deep in the Earth's crust. There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water; in all, there are approximately five nonillion (5×1030) bacteria on Earth, forming much of the world's biomass. Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, and many important steps in nutrient cycles depend on bacteria, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere. However, most of these bacteria have not been characterized, and only about half of the phyla of bacteria have species that can be cultured in the laboratory. The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology. There are approximately ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells in the human body, with large numbers of bacteria on the skin and in the digestive tract. Although the vast majority of these bacteria are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system, and a few are beneficial, some are pathogenic bacteria and cause infectious diseases, including cholera, syphilis, anthrax, leprosy and bubonic plague. The most common fatal bacterial diseases are respiratory infections, with tuberculosis alone killing about 2 million people a year, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. In developed countries, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and in various agricultural processes, so antibiotic resistance is becoming common. In industry, bacteria are important in processes such as sewage treatment, the production of cheese and yoghurt, and the manufacture of antibiotics and other chemicals. Bacteria are prokaryotes. Unlike cells of animals and other eukaryotes, bacterial cells do not contain a nucleus and rarely harbor membrane-bound organelles. Although the term bacteria traditionally included all prokaryotes, the scientific classification changed after the discovery in the 1990s that prokaryotic life consists of two very different groups of organisms that evolved independently from an ancient common ancestor. These evolutionary domains are called Bacteria and Archaea.
Viruses are from the Latin virus meaning "toxin" or "poison", is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell. Each viral particle, or virion, consists of genetic material, DNA or RNA, within a protective protein coat called a capsid. The capsid shape varies from simple helical and icosahedral (polyhedral or near-spherical) forms, to more complex structures with tails or an envelope. Viruses infect cellular life forms and are grouped into animal, plant and bacterial types, according to the type of host infected.
Biologists debate whether or not viruses are living organisms. Some consider them non-living as they do not meet all the criteria used in the common definitions of life. For example, unlike most organisms, viruses do not have cells. However, viruses have genes and evolve by natural selection. Others have described them as organisms at the edge of life. Viral infections in human and animal hosts usually result in an immune response and disease. Often, a virus is completely eliminated by the immune system. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, but antiviral drugs have been developed to treat life-threatening infections. Vaccines that produce lifelong immunity can prevent viral infections.
Q) Some months ago I got myself pregnant and my boyfriend took off and left me. But now that I am pregnant and showing men seem to have an interest in me. Is there any specific reason for that?
June 12, 2008: Ms. A.
A) Yes. Many men are attracted to pregnant women and find them sexy. But another reason could be that since you are all ready pregnant men consider you safe, as in you can't get pregnant while they are having sex with you. Sorry but those are just the facts. Be careful, even though you are pregnant you can still contract STDs so make a man wear a condom if you do have sex.
Q) I have been dating for awhile and men just don't seem to take to me. Is there some advice you can give me on what to say when I am with a man?
June 13, 2008: Name Withheld.
A) Your question is kinda of ambiguous. But I am assuming you want some advice on what to say that helps in your relationship. For a man this means sexual relationship.
So, I would suggest saying the following during and after sex:
1/ - During sex, say something like .... Oh your cock is big.
2/ - During sex, say something like .... I am cuming.
3/ - During sex, say something like .... Moan and groan , make noises like you really enjoy it, the louder the better.
4/ - After sex, say something like .... Damn that was fantastic.
5/ - After sex, say something like .... That was great, give me a few minutes to relax, and can we do it again sweetheart.
6/ - After sex, say something like .... Want to take a shower together?
Men need to be reassured, it's called an 'Ego.' Forget what other women tell you, forget what you read in some dumb ass women's magazine or in a romance novel.
Q) What makes me sneeze?
June 14, 2008: Anthony (Stinky) Fox
If you just sneezed, something was probably irritating or tickling the inside of your nose. Sneezing, also called sternutation, is your body's way of removing an irritation from your nose.
When the inside of your nose gets a tickle, a message is sent to a special part of your brain called the sneeze center. The sneeze center then sends a message to all the muscles that have to work together to create the amazingly complicated process that we call the sneeze.
Some of the muscles involved are the abdominal (belly) muscles, the chest muscles, the diaphragm (the large muscle beneath your lungs that makes you breathe), the muscles that control your vocal cords, and muscles in the back of your throat. Don't forget the eyelid muscles! Did you know that you always close your eyes when you sneeze?It is the job of the sneeze center to make all these muscles work together, in just the right order, to send that irritation flying out of your nose. And fly it does - sneezing can send tiny particles speeding out of your nose at up to 100 miles per hour!
Most anything that can irritate the inside of your nose can start a sneeze. Some common things include dust, cold air, or pepper. When you catch a cold in your nose, a virus has made a temporary home there and is causing lots of swelling and irritation. Some people have allergies, and they sneeze when they are exposed to certain things, such as animal dander (which comes from the skin of many common pets) or pollen (which comes from some plants).
Do you know anyone who sneezes when they step outside into the sunshine? About one out of every three people sneezes when exposed to bright light. They are called photic sneezers (photic means light). If you are a photic sneezer, you got it from one of your parents because it is an inherited trait. You could say that it runs in your family. Most people have some sensitivity to light that can trigger a sneeze.
Have you ever had the feeling that you are about to sneeze, but it just gets stuck? Next time that happens, try looking toward a bright light briefly (but don't look right into the sun) - see if that doesn't unstick a stuck sneeze!
Q) Went to my senior prom, both of us are 18. She wanted to give me a blowjob and I told her that I shoot really big loads. She still wanted to do it, so we did. I shot a giant one, she gagged, spit most of it out onto her prom dress and then partially puked as well. Now she's in trouble with her Mom. She told her parents she was drinking and threw up on the dress, some of that is true. She wants me to pay $350.00 to buy her a new dress. Her brother says if I don't he will beat the hell out of me. What do you think I should do?
June 15, 2008: Johnny Big Load.
A) Look prom dresses are like wedding dresses, once you use them they are worthless. Most people sell them on eBay or craigslist. So I'd offer her $50.00 cash and be done with it. Just be polite and explain the cost factor. Worst case, pay her the full amount and chalk it up as experience. A professional escort would have cost between $300 to $1,000 for the same thing.
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Q) What is a two-Legged cougar?
June 17, 2008: A Carefree Guy
A) This refers to older women who date younger men. It generally applies to ladies in their 40’s, 50’s, and sometimes older who date men younger than them by 20 to 30 years strictly for sex. A true cougar gal pays the tab and the man performs his sex in return. There are no ties or commitments and each generally part company after a few encounters.
Q) What is a depth charge drink?
June 18, 2008: Ronnie Jargenson.
A) This is sometimes referred to as a boilermaker. Simply take a large beer class or mug, and a shot glass of whiskey. Drink 1/3 of the beer, drop the shot glass into the beer mug and drink it straight down without stopping.
Q) Follow-up on drinking. What are Tequila Shooters?
June 19, 2008: Fran Fine.
A) Tequila Shooters are single shots of tequila often served with salt and a slice of lime. These are also called "tequila cruda" and is sometimes referred to as "training wheels," "lick-sip-suck," or "lick-shoot-suck" (referring to the way in which the combination of ingredients is imbibed). The drinker moistens the back of their hand below the index finger (usually by licking) and pours on the salt. Then the salt is licked off the hand, tequila is drunk and the fruit slice of lime is quickly bitten. It is common for groups of drinkers to do this simultaneously. Great fun at parties.
Q) What do you think of Karma?
June 20, 2008: Leroy Gibbs
A) It was made famous in the TV Show, 'My Name Is Earl.' But basically I have a problem with anyone who still believes in this superstitious hocus pocus in the 21st century. So my opinion is it's all bunk!
Q) I am thinking of buying an iMac (Apple) Computer, any thoughts?
June 21, 2008: Leonard Bernstein.
A) MAC's have there advantages and disadvantages like everything else, here are some Pro's and Cons:
Pro's -
* Less chance of viruses, worms, trojans, etc.
* Easy to use
* Excellent warranty coverage and tech support
* Lots of built-in features, mostly geared to geeks and professionals
* Free Training classes available at Apple stores
* Built-in Web Cam and Mic
* PC and Monitor all one unit
* High Resolution
Cons -
** Lower end HP Laser Printers wont work on iMacs
** Software expensive.
** Some online videos wont play in a Mac, you will have to download software for Windows Media and Flash.
** Simple task like making wav files available in Windows not available in iMac. Mac makes wav files but not for simple use.
** iMacs built-in word style program is useless, you will need a good Word Program.
** Third party WiFi doesn't work well, you will need MACs Airport Extreme (about $180.00). It is difficult to set-up, you will need help especially if you are connecting to a windows computer.
** iMac does not come with free email program. Just use Yahoo or Google.
1/ - Get a 3-year warranty
2/ - If you are buying a PC get the wireless mouse and keyboard.
3/ - Don't buy .Mac it is useless.
4/ - If you have never owned a Mac buy the one year one on one classes, it's worth it.
5/ - Do not buy or install any Anti-Virus Programs.
6/ - Download Flip for MAC
7/ - Download Macromedia Flash
8/ - Download Acrobat Reader
9/ - If you need to run certain types of programs, ask the IMAC Genius, found at any Apple Store, what they recommend.
Q) What do you consider the most effective weapon for the common foot soldier in todays military?
June 22, 2008: Randy McNade.
A) This is a difficult question but based on the term effective, there are three.
1 – Contrary to belief the 12-gauge shotgun is difficult to beat at close range.
2 – The long range sniper rifle whereby the enemy can be killed at 700 meters or more.
3 – The 45 Caliber Auto Handgun. Again the military should have kept this one and issued it to every soldier. It will stop a 300 pound man and is great fro close encounters up to 25 feet, like inside of buildings.
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Q) Just how obsessed is America with Pizza?
June 24, 2008: Jenny Jumpers
A) This year it is estimated Americans will eat 32 Billion Dollars worth of Pizza. That's 100 acres of pizza a per day. The number one topping is pepperoni.
Q) How to get Pregnant?
June 25, 2008: Lydia Maxwell.
A) Open ended question, I am gonna assume that you are married or getting married and you are of legal age. Also we will avoid the obvious that you know what sex is.
Saying all that, here is some simple suggestions before you start....
* Both of you should get a physical, make sure you're in good health and have no STDs. Make your doctor tests you for all them even if he is reluctant. Make sure you don't have any vaginal discharge or yeast infection. Make sure he does not have any fungus or other genital problems.
* Get his Sperm Count tested, it should be 60 Million or higher to avoid any problems.
Once the test are completed, try these helpful hints, sex position and technique for best results.
1 – He should wear boxer shorts only. Shower daily with luke warm water. Avoid using any hand creams, drugs, alcohol, lotions, etc.
2 – You should avoid any use of feminine hygiene sprays and don't douche.
3 – Avoid sex altogether for at least five days before you start your key cycle time.
4 – Lay on your back with your legs up in the air or over your head if possible. Once he ejaculates, tell him not to pull it out right away, leave it in until it gets soft and essentially falls out. You must keep you kegs evaluated so the sperm flows downward and inside you and not out. This usually takes 15-minutes in this position.
5 – You can buy a temperature monitoring device that tells you when you are ovulating, this is when you do it.
Good luck.
Q) What Causes Headaches?
June 26, 2008: Lance Brown.
A) Scientists have yet to completely unravel the cause or causes of headaches. It was once believed that constriction and dilation of blood vessels caused migraine headache, while muscle contraction caused tension headache. The constriction of vessels in the head was thought to cause the aura of migraine, as well as the nausea and vomiting. The subsequent relaxing, or dilation, of the vessels then brought on the pounding pain associated with migraine.
These changes are still thought to play a big role in head pain, but a much more complicated explanation is beginning to emerge from recent scientific findings. Many experts now speculate that migraine and tension headache have the same origin in the brain.
The Body's “Anti-pain” System
The brain stem the structures of the brain located behind the eyes and nose contains an “anti-pain” system. When this area recognizes an incoming nerve signal as painful, it responds with a powerful pain-relieving effect.
The pain of headache is thought to begin with the trigeminal nerve, which is located in the brain stem. The largest in the head, this nerve carries sensory impulses to and from the face. When stimulated, perhaps by a certain headache trigger, it releases a burst of neurotransmitters (chemicals that pass impulses from one nerve to the next). This, in turn, normally prompts release of yet another neurotransmitter called serotonin.
Serotonin acts as a filter, screening out unimportant signals for example, weak, repetitive, or familiar background noise like music and other people's conversations while admiting signals that demand attention, such as unusual or significant sounds like a baby's cry or your name being called. The more serotonin, the greater the screening action. High serotonin levels correlate with sleep.
Under ordinary circumstances, pain signals from the trigeminal nerve are counteracted by increased serotonin levels. But in people suffering a headache, serotonin levels often prove too low. Scientific tests have shown a clear relationship. When injected with a drug that depletes serotonin, test subjects got headaches. Likewise, when they were injected with serotonin, the headache went away.
Q) How can you tell when a girl will begin to menstruate for the first time? Are there any signs?
June 27, 2008: A Single Father.
A) It's hard being a single parent, and even harder for a Dad raising a girl. But here is some general guidelines that may help:
Menarch (the beginning of menstruation) usually happens in "Stage 4" of puberty, but can happen late in Stage 3 as well. While there are no real "signs" of an impending first period, there are signs that may let you know when it is likely to happen. Use the following guide to see where in puberty you are, and you'll get an idea of when her first period may happen.
The Five Stages of Puberty – for Girls:
Stage 1 - Age Range: Usually 8-11
In Stage 1 there are no outside signs of development, but a girl's ovaries are enlarging and hormone production is beginning.
Stage 2 - Age Range: Usually 8-14. Average: 11-12
The first sign is typically the beginning of breast growth, including "breast buds." A girl may also grow considerable height and weight. The first signs of pubic hair start out fine and straight, rather than curly.
Stage 3 - Age Range: Usually 9-15. Average: 12-13
Breast growth continues, and pubic hair coarsens and becomes darker, but there still isn't a lot of it. Her body is still growing, and your vagina is enlarging and may begin to produce a clear or whitish discharge, which is a normal self-cleansing process. Some girls get their first menstrual periods late in this stage.
Stage 4 - Age Range: Usually 10-16. Average: 13-14
Pubic hair growth takes on the triangular shape of adulthood, but doesn't quite cover the entire area. Underarm hair is likely to appear in this stage, as is menarche. Ovulation (release of egg cells) begins in some girls, but typically not in a regular monthly routine until Stage 5.
Stage 5 - Age Range: Usually 12-19. Average: 15
This is the final stage of development, when a girl is physically an adult. Breast and pubic hair growth are complete, and her full height is usually attained by this point. Menstrual periods are well established, and ovulation occurs monthly.
Q) Can you explain the Female Menstruation Cycle and her susceptibility to getting pregnant?
June 28, 2008: Harcord Fenton Mudd, III.
A) In the female reproductive system, the menstrual cycle is a recurring cycle of physiologic changes that occurs in reproductive-age females. Overt menstruation (where there is blood-flow from the vagina) occurs primarily in humans and close evolutionary relatives such as chimpanzees.
The menstrual cycle is under the control of the hormone system and is necessary for reproduction. Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of menstrual flow, because the onset of menstruation corresponds closely with the hormonal cycle. The menstrual cycle may be divided into several phases, and the length of each phase varies from woman to woman and cycle to cycle.
This occurs in phases or cycle of days as follows:
Day 1–4 - Menstrual phase
Day 5–13 - Follicular phase (also known as proliferative phase)
Day 14 – Ovulation (not a phase, but an event dividing phases)
Day 15–26 – Luteal phase (also known as secretory phase)
Day 27–28 - Ischemic phase (some sources group this with secretory phase)
Note: A woman is most vulnerable to getting pregnant between the 13th and 15 the days of her cycle. Remember to start counting her cycle beginning on her first day of her period if pregnancy is an important issue.
Q) My husband doesn't seem to be interested in sex anymore, any suggestions?
June 29, 2008: Lotus Blossom.
A) Yes – here are a few:
1/ - Get him tested for erectile dysfunction including testosterone levels.
2/ - If he is young early 40's or younger, I suggest a private detective, he is probably screwing something else.
3/ - The average male gets a hard-on every hour while they sleep. Even older males above 50 will get at least one or two erections during their sleep period. Stay awake, get some baby oil or ky-jelly, lube the old penis up, and climb on and ride it like a wild thing.
Q) What exactly is Loco Weed?
June 30, 2008: Bunny McCune.
A) Locoweed is a term used to describe plants from two different genera of legumes most commonly found in the midwestern United States. These contain neurotoxins harmful to herbivores, especially cattle and horses.
Genus Oxytropis - Oxytropis is the genus most commonly referred to as locoweed. The twenty-four species of Oxytropis contain a neurotoxin, swainsonine. Oxytropis is distributed throughout the western half of North American continent, particularly in the regions of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. The varieties most frequently encountered by livestock are the white locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) and the purple locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii).
Genus Astragalus - Some varieties of milkvetch are also referred to as locoweed. These are primarily species which grow in areas with high selenium content in the soil.
Effects on livestock - Locoweed is eaten during the early spring and late fall, when it is often the only green plant available to grazing animals. Ingestion causes symptoms similar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), including erratic behavior, aggression, lethargy, depression, loss of balance, nervousness, and abortion, among others. Although symptoms reduce with time after removing the animal from exposure to locoweed, some nerve damage is permanent. In horses, this brain damage can make them dangerous to ride.
Locoweed takes its name from the Spanish loco, "crazy," referring to the behavior of animals which consume the herb.
The American Indian would put this in watering holes and the cowboys or US Calvary horses would drink it.
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